Hello, I'm Mimi...
Hi there! I'm Mimi, a fitness entrepreneur living on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. I originally come from Germany, where I studied sport science, and for the past 15 years, I've been diving deep into the fitness and health industry. I’ve had the pleasure of working as a Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor, Yoga Teacher, and, above all, a Feelgood Junkie!
I'm all about promoting a lifestyle where movement and nourishing your body are at the heart of feeling connected to yourself and creating a life you don’t need a vacation from. That's why I’m so thrilled to have discovered Switch's high-quality products—they’ve been a game-changer for supporting my wellness journey.
Today, I’d love to share some of my favorite daily go-tos with you. And if you ever have any questions or just want to chat, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Estro Switch: Natural Hormone Balance
Estro Switch was a massive life changer for me. Having a very long history with an irregular cycle and imbalanced hormones, this product helped me to get back into a regular cycle with reduced PMS after years of trialing different things.
Hydrate Switch: Electrolyte & Rehydration Formula
Especially in QLD, where summer is all year around, I can’t stress enough how important it is to stay hydrated.
Often there is the misconception that drinking water is enough... I'm sorry to break the news... it really isn't! In order to effectively hydrate, you need to replenish with the correct balance of electrolytes daily. Hydrate Switch provides all the goodies for me in one scoop, first thing in the morning. Whenever I’m out for a longer run, I upgrade to Hydrate+ with the additional fast-acting carbohydrates.
Vitality Switch: Super Greens Powder
For me personally, whenever life gets hectic, a balanced diet is the first thing that tends to suffar. Vitality Switch, with its 42 superfoods, provides a comprehensive nutritional foundation, ensuring my body receives the essential support it needs daily.
Adrenal Switch: Magnesium Recovery & Sleep Formula
Putting in the effort for recovery is just as important as putting in the effort for training. Adrenal Switch helps me recover quickly and effectively while calming my nervous system after those intense days, thanks to its magnesium support formula. And on a side note—the chocolate flavour is absolutely delicious! Honestly, I’d have it even if it didn’t have any benefits! Haha.
Let’s be honest, no one likes to age visibly, right?! So collagen is a non- negotiable for me for a fresh look by supporting hair, skin, nails and gut health daily.
Thermal Switch: Thermogenic Energy Formula
I love to take my Thermal Switch before my workouts as my pre- workout. It helps me to be focused, determined and push through that extra rep. I love the fact that Thermal Switch doesn’t make me jittery and there is no crash in the afternoon.